Embracing Cultural Understanding: A Journey with AM Consulting

In 2022, I embarked on a meaningful venture, establishing AM Consulting, a disruptive social enterprise dedicated to fortifying the growth of educational, organisational, and governmental institutions. Our core mission? To nurture a culture of understanding, empathy, and cultural inclusivity, creating environments where individuals from all backgrounds feel genuinely valued and respected. Achieving this objective, however, does present its own set of challenges.
My name is Adongwot Manyoul, and my life story comes from a blend of South Sudanese heritage and Australian upbringing, a place I now call home. Raised in a milieu steeped in traditional African values—embracing hospitality, sacrifice, hard work, and modesty—I also inherited an insatiable thirst for knowledge from my academically astute father. Layered upon this foundation was the ethos of freedom of opportunity ingrained in the Australian system, empowering individuals to carve their unique paths.
Unfortunately, the landscape of opportunity isn’t uniform, particularly for individuals like me in Australia. The persistent existence of racism and discrimination within any society rooted in colonial history has far-reaching consequences for many immigrants, affecting their mental and physical well-being, employment prospects, educational and financial attainment, and more. 
In Australia, troubling patterns of youth delinquency and disproportionate rates of incarceration among marginalized groups, particularly the African diaspora and Indigenous communities, paint a disheartening picture. The recent rejection of the Voice to Parliament Referendum by a majority of Australians also serves as a stark reminder of the entrenched nature of racism and discrimination within our society.
Addressing this issue might stir some controversy, as initial defensiveness often greets uncomfortable conversations. Yet, I urge you to push through this discomfort, because this article is not intended to be a critique of Australia; in fact, it’s a call to recognise and tackle our shared challenges.
As a humanist deeply invested in global betterment, I firmly believe that racism and discrimination stem from fear of the unknown, also known as xenophobia, deeply entrenched societal conditioning, and a mindset of scarcity. These biases often operate silently in our subconscious, influencing the lion’s share—90–95%—of our decision-making processes. Genuine change commences when we confront this fundamental truth.
In my role as a bi-cultural consultant, I leverage these principles as the cornerstone of my practice, guiding individuals through the intricate labyrinth of racism, discrimination, and personal biases.
I am an advocate for leading with curiosity and empathy, aiming to uncover the roots of diverse perspectives while replacing judgment with understanding. Love and empathy will always triumph in a society that struggles with division.
The path toward a more inclusive and compassionate society isn’t straightforward, but it commences with acknowledging our collective unconscious biases and fostering a sincere curiosity to appreciate and embrace diversity. Through creative workshops, cultural consulting, and keynotes, AM Consulting walks participants of all ages and backgrounds through other people’s shoes. Guiding them towards their individualized understanding of the world around them while equipping them with basic tools to help navigate systems and structures through a more empathetic and understanding lens. 
I invite you to join me in this endeavour —one that celebrates our differences and thrives on the multifaceted richness of diverse perspectives. Together, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious future where we all belong.
  let’s talk!

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