About me
Adongwot is an experienced communications professional, youth advocate and thought leader. As a bi-cultural consultant, radio host and MC, her passions lie in supporting the community to achieve social cohesion through the elimination of racism and discrimination and promoting intergenerational dialogue.
In 2022, Adongwot started a disruptive social enterprise which aims to radically change the approach to racism, diversity and inclusion training. Providing a series of workshops, seminars and keynotes aimed at diverse age groups and divergent backgrounds, she explores the concepts of race and prejudice through interactive activities and conversations that challenge young people to critically assess their identity in the current Australian climate and to embrace Australia’s true multicultural identity.
As a South Sudanese-Australian woman, Adongwot speaks from a combination of experiences navigating traditional and Western culture in Australia and her academic standing from her double degree in Communication in Journalism and International Studies. In 2019, Adongwot was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to travel the world investigating methods other Western Societies are utilising to achieve genuine and meaningful social cohesion of African Diaspora youth.
Adongwot has worked with an extensive list of for/not-for-profit organisations, councils and schools.